The Universe provides all that I need.
~Louise Hay (affirmation)
I am finally redeeming this card given to me by my friend April some years ago. I'm not using it in the sense of angrily telling someone to be quiet, I am using it as a means to express my incredulity of recent events. It should actually be, "Really, Universe? S.T.F.U.!"
As some of you may know, in 1979, I married my high school sweetheart and was blissfully happy for our short marriage that ended with his suicide in 1984. Well, okay, the last year wasn't so blissful as he battled with depression, but I have many fond memories of the 12 years we spent together, first as boyfriend and girlfriend, and then as husband and wife.
As you also may know, I have had some difficulty in obtaining regular employment, in spite of the fact that I have years of experience in both the administrative arena and the teaching field. I was doing quite of bit of praying in hopes that God, or the Universe if you prefer, would send an answer to my prayers. Then one day, I received a phone call from my former brother-in-law asking me if I would be interested in moving in with him in Oregon. He offered to support me, i.e. pay the rent and utilities, give me a car to drive, and help me find work in his neck of the woods. He also surprised me by telling me that in the 27 years since his brother's death, he had never dreamed of Mike until just recently. I found that quite odd since in life they had been very close. "What did Mike tell you?" I asked. Gene said, "He told me to 'Take care of my girl' and showed me a picture of you." I am a firm believer in the messages of dreams so I took this as a good omen. Although this was totally unexpected, it certainly was an answer to my prayers and so I began to make preparations to move to Oregon.
At first, everything was going smoothly. Since Gene made the decision to ask me up there, his work load increased and he applied for a full time plumbing job at Harry and David's, getting several positive responses as well as being asked to bring in his I-9 information and take a drug screen. And then, there was a major snag. His ex-girlfriend kept showing up to stay over for days at a time, saying she had no place to go. Then one day, Gene came home to see an ambulance and paramedics outside his home. Kathy had to go to the hospital where they discovered she has cancer and needed immediate radiation treatment. Also, the position at Harry and David's was put on hold and the guy in Human Resources who wanted to hire Gene was laid off. Gene and I decided that even though it sounded like a good idea, the timing was not right, since as we all know, timing is everything.
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My almost roomie at a much younger age |
I was excited for the chance to have yet another new beginning, but I am happy to be staying in California, especially because once Gene and I started talking, I was having the time of my life with all my friends, old and new. I really love the life I made for myself in Rancho Cucamonga. I like my MeetUp group, my volunteer work, my walking routine, and my neighbors. I am close to my family, can dance whenever I want, and know lots of good places to eat, drink, and be merry.
My daughter and I are splitting up and going our separate ways from our RC apartment, but we will still be close by ~ same county and area code, but a different new beginning. So instead of moving to another state, I will be moving to Ontario, California. That is my Oregon tale.