Sunday, April 21, 2013

Silly Starters

Writing a poem is discovering.
~ Robert Frost
I bought a book at the teacher store to allow the students to choose a daily journal topic. Last week was the first time I sat down to write with them. Two days in a row the assignment was to write a poem. Here are the two I wrote.
Day #1: Write a poem about a puppy that wants to be a person.

I'm a little puppy
Who owns a little girl
I love to run and jump with her
More than anything in the world
But what I want the most in life
Is to be just like my friend
Because if I could talk, I'm sure
Our chats would never end
We'd speak about the flowers
or what dresses we will wear
We'll sing about most anything
And dance without a care
I'm a little puppy
Who wants to be a girl
So I can run and dance and play
And wear my hair in curls
Day #2: Write a poem about a monkey that cannot stop laughing.
I saw a monkey in a tree
Laughing so hysterically
Ha ha ho ho hee hee hee
He chortled and giggled
Until there were tears
I think he had been
Laughing for years
That poor monkey
Could not stop his glee
Ha ha ho ho hee hee hee  
I actually had a hard time writing the second poem and so did the kids, but I shared my strategies. First I brainstormed about the most important elements of the assignment: monkey and laughing. Some of the words I thought of for monkey were: banana, tree, tail, swinging on a vine, and ooh ooh. For laughing I wrote down hysterical, chuckle, giggle, laugh until it hurts, cry, tee hee, ha ha. Then I thought about the words that went together. The students usually have about ten minutes to write and they can be very creative. I'm glad they like to share with the class too. They let me share my poems last week and it was fun to read them.


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